About Me: 


pi·o·neer  /ˌpīəˈnir/ : a person who is among the first to explore or settle a new country or area.

I've been spearheading influencer marketing projects since 2010 (a pre-Instagram world 🌎).

It started with an impulse. I realized that digital content creators with large audiences on Facebook and Twitter were just as valuable as editors from major publications, and in many cases, had larger digital footprints. I invited influencers to the showroom I was working at for press appointments and the rest is history. 

I've seen the landscape evolve from blogs to #sponsored, gifting to pay-per-post and macro to micro to nano.

What can I do for you? I bring nine years experience in digital marketing. Within that realm, I have worked with fashion, hospitality and lifestyle companies on branding, copywriting, content creation, customer acquisition, e-commerce, e-mail marketing, influencer marketing, paid media and social media marketing.

I am always looking for new and exciting projects. Please contact me for collaborations or projects.